A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special Wiki

Starling Party, formerly known as Desir’s Party, was a Hebrion Academy party established by Desir Arman in the year 3613. For some time, this party remained nameless and only referred as Desir’s party. After the event of Dungeon Attack, this party was named as the Starling Party, based on Desir Arman’s dormitory in the Hebrion Academy.

The party was considered as one of the top three parties in the Hebrion Academy, along side Blue Moon Party and Red Dragon Party.


  1. Improve the learning conditions for commoners.
  2. Improve the relationship between nobles and commoners.
  3. Beta Class members to become Alpha Class.
  4. Alpha Class members to become Single Rankers.


Starling Party was the second party of Hebrion Academy that has successfully cleared a Class 3 Shadow World aside from Blue Moon Party. This feat was achieved in the year 3614 by the four core members of the party, Desir Arman, Ajest Kingscrown, Romantica Eru and Pram Schneider.

As such, their power and teamwork have been officially acknowledged by the Hebrion Empire, and they are empowered with the same authority as a knight of the empire.

The party members also did not need to worry about completing their schooling and could accept work outside of the Hebrion Academy.


Core Members[]

Starling Party

The core members were the founding members of the Starling Party. At first, there were only three members, which are:

  1. Desir Arman – leader
  2. Romantica Eru
  3. Pram Schneider

After the Promotional Battle, Ajest Kingscrown resigned from the Blue Moon Party and joined the Starling Party. She served as the party’s vice leader.

Each core member had the strength and experience to do their part, as well as pull their own weight even in higher levelled Shadow Worlds.


Sub-members have some military might, but they still lacked the experience to contribute reliably to the overall party. What little experience they had and their trivial achievements put them ahead of the probationary members, but not by much. These factors prevented them from being considered part of the main force. For their level, they could provide limited assistance to the main force as they continued to develop.

Probationary Members[]

Probationary members composed of new students with low or unreliable military might and were still in need of further training.



Tower of Magic[]

Due to Desir’s position as the Technical Adviser to the Tower of Magic, Starling Party received ample funding for its activities.

Aside from a hefty monetary sponsorship, the party will received the latest and the most advanced equipment from the Tower. The equipment also will be tailor made to suit a particular Starling Party member.

Western Kingdoms[]

Western Kingdoms


Links and References[]
